The Lutra Prop
As a "big brother" to the Lutra Airboat, the Lutra Prop is perfect for larger bodies of still water or slow moving currents. It utilizes a differential drive system to provide added power, speed, payload capacity and maneuverability, without compromising the smooth movement necessary for data collection.
The Lutra Prop
The Lutra Prop can be deployed in as little as one foot of water and quickly covers waterbodies in smooth, sweeping transects. Its low profile ensures wind resistance is kept to a minimum, making the Lutra Prop suitable for most weather conditions. Once the cover is on, rain or shine the Lutra Prop is ready to go.
The Lutra Prop is the workhorse of the Platypus fleet. We have more of them than any other boats and use them far more. The Lutra Props stack neatly in a vehicle, so we can bring multiple to a site with relative ease. Airlines don't even charge for oversized luggage when we take one with us somewhere.